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For salespeople

Fill your sales pipeline on autopilot

As a sales professional, constantly filling your pipeline with new, qualified leads is essential for hitting your revenue targets. But manually prospecting on LinkedIn can be incredibly time-consuming and inefficient. That's where Botdog comes in - use it to automate your outbound lead generation and keep your pipeline stocked with hot prospects on autopilot.

Step 1: Define Your Ideal Customer Profile

First, get crystal clear on the attributes of the prospects you want to target - their titles, industries, company sizes, locations, etc. The more specific, the better.

Step 2: Search LinkedIn and Import Leads

Run a search on LinkedIn for profiles matching that ideal customer criteria. Import those URLs into Botdog, or upload any existing lead lists you have as CSVs.

Step 3: Set Up Automated Outreach Campaigns

Within Botdog, create automated multi-step campaigns to connect with those imported leads and drive them into your sales funnel. This could include:

  • Sending connection requests
  • Sharing personalized pitches or value-add content
  • Automating follow-up messages

Step 4: Launch Campaigns and Optimize

With a few clicks, launch your automated outreach campaigns and let Botdog get to work. Continuously monitor your analytics to identify high-performing messages and optimize your campaigns.

Using Botdog's automated capabilities, salespeople are consistently generating 5-10 new qualified sales meetings per week while they focus on other priorities. No more spending countless hours mining LinkedIn - just import your ideal customer profiles and let Botdog's intelligent automation fill your pipeline on autopilot.