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For founders & business owners

Put your lead generation on autopilot

As a founder, one of your biggest challenges is continuously filling your sales pipeline with a steady stream of qualified leads. Scrambling for each new prospect influx can be incredibly time-consuming and distracting from operating the business.

That's where leveraging automated outbound lead generation can be a game-changer. And Botdog makes it easy to put your startup's prospect outreach on autopilot while staying laser-focused on delivering value to customers.

Here's how to use Botdog to automate nurturing a perpetual flow of leads into your sales funnel:

Step 1: Define your ideal customer profile

First, get crystal clear on the specific attributes and criteria of the businesses and buyers you want to target. Things like:

  • Company size, industry, tech stack, funding stage
  • Buyer roles, job titles, locations, etc.
  • Pain points, goals, challenges they're experiencing

The more detailed your ideal customer profile (ICP), the better you can target your outreach.

Step 2: Search LinkedIn and import leads

Next, run advanced searches on LinkedIn to surface profiles matching that ICP criteria. You can filter by company, job role, location, etc. You can use Regular LinkedIn searches or Sales Navigator searches.

Import all those ICP-fit profile URLs directly into Botdog.

Step 3: Create automated outreach cadences

Within Botdog, build automated multi-step outreach cadences to connect with and nurture those imported ICP leads, like:

  • Sending personalized connection requests
  • Sharing high-value content, insights, or ROI examples related to your product
  • Inviting them to learn more via a demo or call

Always lead with VALUE to the audience, and act as if their time is precious.

Step 4: Continuously expand your audience

In addition to your sourced ICP leads, you can create "perpetual lead generation" campaigns using relevant hashtags, event attendee lists, and other segments.

These automated connection cycles keep expanding your audience of warm prospects that your outreach sequences can then nurture over time.

Step 5: Monitor and optimize

As prospects engage and convert through your cadences, keep a close eye on your Botdog analytics. Watch for which messages, content topics, and segments are yielding the highest conversion rates.

Regularly optimize your sequences by updating the highest-performing elements and sunsetting anything underperforming.

With Botdog systematically nurturing your sales funnel in the background, you'll ensure your pipeline always stays stocked with fresh, ICP-qualified leads without demanding your founder's attention day-to-day.

No more crossing your fingers, hoping new prospects accidentally discover you or the next warm lead email comes through. With automated outreach to your ideal customer profiles, you control your startup's prospect flow and continued growth.

And as opportunities start converting into real customers, you can reinvest that revenue into expanding your outreach even further. It becomes a scalable, revenue-generating lead engine propelling your business forward month after month.