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Frequently asked questions on LinkedIn

How many messages / invites / etc. - can I send on LinkedIn?

Free account Limits

Task Limit
Invitations to connect 50/week
Regular Messages 150/day - 1,000/week
InMail Messages 1,000/day
LinkedIn Profile visits 80/day
Search results exports 1,000 people/day
Invitation to follow your page 100/month
Invitation to event 1,000/week

Sales Navigator account

Task Limit
Invitations to connect 150-200/week
Regular Messages 150/day - 1,000/week
InMail Messages 1,000/day
Invitation to event 1,000/week
LinkedIn Profile visits 150/day
Sales Navigator Profile visits 1000/day
Search results exports 2,500 people/day
Invitation to follow your page 100/month
Invitation to event 1,000/week